Let's Connect!

Community Donation Opportunities

Louisville Community Food Pantry, Inc. Donation Information
3 Main places donations go to in our community:
1. Louisville Food Pantry: all non-perishable foods and perishable foods (by appointment)
2. Berta's Clothes Closet: all new and used clothing in all sizes.
3. Jefferson Hospital Prenatal Clinic: women's personal care items, all baby items (baby food, blankets, clothing, formula, walkers, swings, toys.)
Other Donations: furniture (beds, cribs, other furniture), mattresses, bedding. Expired food, older blankets, etc. donated to some local animal rescues and farmers for animals.
Monetary Donations: can be made by cash and check's to The Louisville Food Pantry, Inc. Donations can also be made through The Cross Community Church's website or app by choosing "The Louisville Food Pantry, Inc. Fund at check out.

Contact Blanche Greenery at 973-951-7827 for information on drop off locations and times or clothing and non perishable foods can be dropped off anytime at The Cross Community Church. Any donations are welcomed and almost nothing is thrown away!